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Our Story

Why this Story is important

This is a pilot episode for a web series. The story follows college students Zac (20s) and Laura (20s) two lovers going behind the back of Richard (20s) - Laura’s boyfriend and Zac’s best friend. They get away with this because of Zac recently discovered ability to snap of his fingers and move himself and anything he is touching into his own personal dimension. For now it only consists of a bedroom surrounded by nothing but empty white space. Laura wants to stop the dimension hopping sex until after she’s broken up with Richard but Zac wants to continue it and have Laura break up with Richard after the semester is over.

After an “accident” involving Richard and the other dimension, Zac and Laura now have to deal with the fallout of their friend “mysteriously disappearing”.

So the reason why this story is so important to me is because I find myself sometimes wanting this ability to just snap and be able to escape all the problems and obligation that happen within my life. I do find that I’m really bad when it comes to procrastinating on assignments and other projects and that I “escape” doing these tasks by ignoring or altogether forgetting about them through constant consumption of entertainment. Watching youtube and streaming Netflix for hours on end while I have one tab open with the actually assignment on it, thinking and saying to myself that ill do it later. But the school works taught me that waiting until the last minute to complete a task will come back and bite you in the butt. Instilling in me the importance of getting started on things early, making sure you stick to a schedule and having a support group behind you through the tough times. 
And that’s why this story is important to me because I identify with the characters and their want to escape from responsibility which cost them dearly. Leading to a cautionary tale that no matter how much you try and “escape”, you will eventually have to face the consequences of your actions whether you are prepared to or not. That is something that I personally identify with and I’m sure that other people will identify with too.


                                                                                        -- Writer Stuart Perkes 




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